Hello there (:
My name is Ronnie! Will be turning 17 on the 8th of May. I currently live in Malaysia and I attend GIS. I love all my friends and my family. And as you can tell, I'm kind of obsessed with Gi Kwang, B2ST and f(x) ^^

ANYWAYS. Get to know me better! :]

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oh you're so special ;)

friends ;]

Ming Mun Lim

Michelle Hong

Nazlin Amirudin

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Teresa Lai

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“hot summer, a hot hot summer.”
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IGCSE grades.
Thursday, August 11, 2011 || 6:29 PM




well, i'm kind of pleased with them but at the same time dissapointed with two of the grades.

i got, 6A*s, 2As and 2Bs (:

hehehehe. so if you include my mandarin exam which i took in year 9, overall my igcse grades are..

7A*s, 2As and 2Bs (:

not that bad eh?

basically, this morning i woke up and i was like.. YAWN. then, i realised that results were out on the cie website, so i was like OH MY GODS. then i tried going on the website, but failed for an hour or so cause everyone else who took igcses from all around the world were trying to access that stupid website. i got so aggravated. then, i tried again when i was eating breakfast, and SUCCESS! i got in! :D and well, when i saw my results, i screamed. my mom almost like knocked over the pot of soup she was cooking for dinner tonight. she scolded me LOL. hehehehehhe. and i was like.. SORRY x)

lol i'm reusing the same GIF image.

anyways, in total/overall i got Bs for add math and english literature, As for extended math and english language, and A*s for geography, coordinated science, malay, ICT and drama (: the grades for coordinated science counts as two subjects o.o so yeah. :D

personally, i'm kind of dissapointed with my english literature and english language grades ): i thought i did pretty well for my literature exam even though i screwed up a little and well.. yeah. ): wait, on a second thought, english language is okay :P BUT IT WAS ON THE BORDERLINE FOR AN A*. LIKE ONE OR TWO MORE MARKS WOULD HAD GOTTEN ME A FREAKING A*. sdlkjnslkcnasjklcnskaljn.

but still, i'm happy.


anyho, i just wanted to say..


hehehehehe. i'm crazyyy LOL. 



Thursday, August 4, 2011 || 12:21 AM


(: hey guys. i haven't blogged lately ever since MTV world stage.
sooo. (:

the tuesday after mtv world stage, i went to david archuleta's concert with ming, justin and michelle t. (: man, twas a good day. cause at first, justin and i went to visit ming's college and met some of her friends :D and then we went back to ming's place for dinner :D nomnomnom. ming's mom is such a good cook, i swear. and after, we met up with michelle and then we went for the concert :D david archuleta is such a good singer, i swear. HE IS AMAZING. i have a newfound respect for him. he sang so many songs in a row its crazy. he's such a good singer!

anyways, other than the david archuleta concert, nothing much has been going on lately :P sometimes i go out with friends to watch some movies, but that's it really.

a boring summer holiday, if you ask me.

i think my english is going weird. LOOOOL. sorry if i make any weird grammatical errors or whatnot x)


omgoodness. you know? a kpop idol just made a tumblr! :D this guy eli from ukiss. i've heard of ukiss, but i don't particularly like them or hate them. lololol. OH. MY. HE HAS TUMBLR. i quote from this tumblr post: soon, every kpop idol is going to have a tumblr.. just like what happened with twitter.
i quite like that idea. 

what if all of f(x) and BEAST gets their own tumblr page?


lolol. (:
i'm gonna go sleep.. and listen to this new song i found (:

bye-yeom! ^^