Hello there (:
My name is Ronnie! Will be turning 17 on the 8th of May. I currently live in Malaysia and I attend GIS. I love all my friends and my family. And as you can tell, I'm kind of obsessed with Gi Kwang, B2ST and f(x) ^^

ANYWAYS. Get to know me better! :]

P.S. archives can be accessed by clicking on the "hot summer, a hot hot summer" ^^

oh you're so special ;)

friends ;]

Ming Mun Lim

Michelle Hong

Nazlin Amirudin

Michelle Wong

Teresa Lai

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“hot summer, a hot hot summer.”
September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011

Tuesday, May 31, 2011 || 4:50 PM

yooohoooo (:

i missed you my blog :) ahahaha. haven't been blogging in like WEEKS. o.o lolers. i tried blogging a few days ago but apparently there was like malware on blogger or something? :/ UH OH.

anyways, yesterday was like lskcnsljkcnasljkcndsljkn awesome! it was nazz's birthday yesterday - HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY NAZZURA :) and like, we went to hangs. but BEFORE THAT, i went for a 4 hour long revision session. it started at 9 and ended at 1, but i left at 12.30 so i can rush over to the gardens to hang with nazz :) so it was like, nazzura, sarah, cheng yee, nikki, esther, amira, yoshie and i. o.o COOL STUFFS. man. i really missed hanging out just like that. look at what igcses did to me. nearly annihilated my social life :P nazzie was meant to come o.o but she was at like alor setar or something ); ANYWAYS. i joined them when they were having lunch at nandos :) first time i actually went to gardens to hang with friends was for don and justin's bday party thingo, and at that time, don, ming and i went to eat nandos. i thought i was lost when i was trying to find nandos during nazzura's party but i managed to find it :D MY AWESOME SKILLS. you be jellin' ;) teehee. anyways, after, we like. walked around, and OMG. something scarred me for life. we went to zara, and we were about to leave when i saw this lady, who like.. you know those v-shaped shirts which show like cleavage and all? it was like. IT WASNT EVEN SHOWING CLEAVAGE. it was like showing.. WHAT THE NONSENSE. -.- scarred. and she was uhh... to put it simply.. quite fat. so uhh.. it was disgusting D: SO FREAKING DISGUSTING. it showed like half her boobs -.- it was like. EWWWWWW. sdkjlcnsalkcnsdlk. okay. i'm not going to talk about it. its just like disgusting. i told yoshie and nicole and someone else (i think amira) about this and THEY ALL TURNED TO LOOK when i said NOOO DON'T LOOK. serves them right for looking. we all like yelped and ran out of zara :P HILARIOUS.

after, we still had 45 minutes to kill until the movie: PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: STRANGER TIDES. :) :) :) :) :) we played laser tag. one game. i finally established the fact, that i SUCK. LIKE REALLY SUPER DUPER SUCK AT LASERTAG. only 5 of us played (yoshie, nicole, esther, nazzura and I) versus like 2 teams of little kids. and during the game, EVERYWHERE I WENT, like at least 2 of them like destroyed me. and i swear, both those teams of little kiddos were ganging up on us oldies ); loool. OH. and you know, there are like 3 floors of laser tag right? i think they changed the layout abit, and i got lost o.o and uhh. well, i went to the camping spot, and both camping spots which i normally go to are like swarmed with like 10 of those little ones -.- and i went, i saw, they all were like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. SHOOT. FIRE. BLAST. SPAM LASERS. -.- i was like WHAT THE lskajdcnlkscndksncjlas. yeah. i tried to retake the camping spots several times, but uhh. kept on getting killed. LOOOOL.

anyways, after, we were all like HOT and SWEATY. then we watched the movie :) man. i loved that movie. the ending was like SO FUNNY. i swear. jack sparrow ftw :P AHAHAHHAHA even thinking about the ending makes me laugh. hilarious. can't stop laughing. loool. the movie was quite funny actually. o.o looool. i can't stop giggling to myself now. i'm such a freak x) oh. and did i mention. before, we were hot and sweaty? after the movie.. we were like ice cubes. well i was. i was frozen. i kept on shivering ); usually i have like human warmers next to me, but cheng was freezing as well, and this random dude was next to me, so uhh. yeah. i kinda almost froze to death. trololol.

after the movie, its like we walked around more and bought like cupcakes from this shop called Delectable for nazz o.o hope she likes it :D

twas a good day.

Sunday, May 22, 2011 || 12:38 AM

can't you comprehend that you're killing me emotionally?

Saturday, May 21, 2011 || 6:54 PM

yoooohoooo (:

so. i recently heard from a friend that my blog is full of emo posts and depressing ones. so i'm going to lighten up my blog with this post.. hopefully. (:

TODAY. i did not go to badminton training. uber fail. cause i overslept. like. i set my alarm between the hours of 8.15am to 9.30am. ming just called me a lamo for blogging about my oversleeping-ness. HEY. WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO BLOG ABOUT WHICH SOUNDS HAPPY. x) anyways. i woke up late. so yeah. end of story. lololololololol.

was that paragraph happy? no.

i shall spam smileys.
(: (: (:
(: (: (: (: (: (: (:
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:
(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (:

look at all those smileys! :D

ming just called me crazy. yeah i'm on skype with her. mmhmm. i'm such a lamo.

i really don't know what to blog about which sounds happy. wow. i must be sad. which brings me on to my next paragraph:

i feel sad. quite sad. its likeeeee. SAD YOU KNOWS?

ming called me a retard. she keeps on calling me names its so horrible. ;(

ming told me not to blog about her calling me names. lol.

i bet she hates me right now.

i hope this post is funny at least.

i haven't studied properly today. all i did was read through some science notes and edited them.

oh well. going to fail geography paper 4 and science paper 3, and also both my add math papers. wheeee. i'm a failure.

i just realised, that the date of the add math exams is slowly creeping closer and closer and closer. yay.

ming disappeared. i feel sad again. i'm a lonely. i'm so lonelyyyyyyyy. i'm trying to sing akon but failing epicly as usual. whoopeee.

i actually do feel lonely.

loneliness. solitude. desolation.

oh ming is back. she called me a retard again. and she's going high by talking about how much she likes pie. she just said i do. wow. she says she needs to shut up. okay. end of post. wait i need to end with a word.


|| 1:01 AM

hey friends.

okay. today, basically, i was in group 2 for geography paper 5. so i had to be quarantined. BUT. something went wrong. the UK servers couldn't connect to our school computers, so.. well. all of us geography students had to be quarantined from like 8 until like.. 11-ish? -.- UNFAIRNESS. and i actually wanted to do this exam cause i'm better at this paper 5 (computer based paper) than the paper 4 (written paper), cause what they do is that they mark both papers, and they take the highest mark and like. yeah. i suck at paper 4, and i do loads better in paper 5. so basically, i'm screwed. I'M GOING TO SCREW UP PAPER 4 ): I SUCKKK. well. anyways, the quarantine was a waste of our time. like seriously. I COULD HAD SLEPT IN ); but at least i had like a free breakfast (: mr wilson treated all of us to like breakfast cause we had to wait and stuffs. looool.

hmmm. today was like.. not much studying. i studied in school, like did some geography paper 4 questions and stuff, but.. that's about it. came home and CHILLAXED TO THE MAX. mmm (:

uhh. i felt quite moody towards the end of school. o.o i think its cause i was freaking pissed off cause i couldn't do the paper 5, and i'm going to fail like a boss for my paper 4. sooo. yeah. i'm what you call an "open book", so yeah. this disappointment, mixed in with other feelings, well. i was.. pretty down. yeahh. donovan, if you're reading this, i just wanna say I'M SORRY ): cause you were like hanging out with me (ish), and you had to put up with my horrible attitude/emo-ess/upsetness.

i did feel like crying at that time when donovan was with me ): but uhh. it was like i'm holding it in but i really wanted to let it all out. after donovan left, i just like. plugged in my headphones, listened to f(x) songs and just like.. tried drowning out my sorrows with their songs. it sort of worked, but not to its full potential. );

ugh. right now, i'm just like.. well. nothing. its 1am o.o and i have badminton training in a few hours. i should go sleep.


;( sadness engulfs my soul.

Thursday, May 19, 2011 || 8:59 PM

wow. that previous post was LONG.

yeah. well. i started a new post cause well. that post was happy, and this will be.. somewhat upsetting.

but this'll be a short post. sooo. don't worry. not alot of me ranting.

well. i was happy-ish, then.. now.. i don't know. i feel quite upset and uhh. sad.

i feel like crying, but i can't.

i have a feeling i might cry in school tomorrow. i don't know why. its like. a gut feeling.

i feel like.. everything's building up again. i was so happy yesterday, nothing actually brought me down. today, the happiness continued in the morning-afternoon, but then. yeah. my emotions kind of went downhill after 3. sighh.

i should be revising for geography paper 5, but i'm not in the mood :/ i'll spam later tonight.

i really want to talk to someone, like face to face, and like maybe they can be my shoulder to like cry on in case. but.. i don't want to burden anyone with my like. problems and ranting and sobbing and depressing thoughts.

what should i do?

|| 8:50 PM

yoooohoooo (:

the countdown.

mmm. (: feels good. practicals were okay.. but i was so blur in the beginning, when i was trying to light the bunsen burner, i was like switching on the wrong gas tap. uber fail. x) everything else was okay.. but the physics practical bit, i was struggling o.o i think i heard hye ju giggle cause of my uhh. clumsiness during the physics part. and mr grierson came over twice to like INSPECT my work, and like, he came over TWICE, and the second time, he was like IF YOU CAN'T DO IT THIS TIME I WILL DO IT FOR YOU AND MINUS ONE MARK. that scared me and i finally got it. lol. 

well,  8 down, 7 to go. (: 

you know, i completely forgot that after my practical exam, which was from 8.00am to 10.00am, there was this QUARANTINE from 10.00am to 1.00pm -.- I FORGOT. no one reminded me until like the minute before we were escorted to the science practical lab to like. do our exam. fml. i didn't put any of my stuff in the quarantine room, no food, no drinks, no NOTHING. apparently they quarantined us cause they were scared of like. us calling up other schools who haven't sat for the tests yet and like. telling those students -.- i swear. i thought i was going to die in the beginning. but then, nazlin and ming mun were there as well, so we chatted. for 3 hours. (: BONDING. and at the end, we like. were let out. ming and i were like. YES.  I WAS SO HUNGRY WHEN I GOT OUT. MING AND I LIKE ZOOOOOMED TO THE BISTRO TO LIKE. STUFF OURSELVES. we ordered chicken soup, spaghetti bolognaise, coney dog, and fried rice with satay. STUFFED. FILLED TO THE BRIM. man. i couldn't walk. and ming gave me like some of her FOOD AS WELL in exchange for some of the coney dog -.- and they coney dog was HUMONGOUS.  she like. didn't really take alot. but i still like put at least another 1/4 of the coney dog and french fries on her plate. 


anyways. i was watching america's next top model just now, and can i just say, this season's models are like. whatthecrap. SO. BEAUTIFUL. MOLLY. BRITTANI. SO. BEAUTIFUL. their portfolios are AMAZING. i'm just going to uhh. put some of the photos which i thought was absolutely LOVELY in this post. teehee (: 

so who wins?

i don't want to spoil anything (: just go watch the final episode. their runway walks = love. 


Wednesday, May 18, 2011 || 9:18 PM

yoooohooooo (:

the countdown:

geog paper 1. DONE AND DUSTED, as miss tyers would say. (:
the paper was actually okay, i did like the questions about population, settlement and rivers. i hope i can get an A* for geog (: PRAYING. 
yeahs. 6 down, 8 to go. ZOMG. 8 LEFT. TEEEHEEE. the joy. 

today is a somewhat happy/sad day for me o.o like it has its ups and downs. i was like HAPPY then SAD then HAPPY then SAD then HAPPY until now, then i became kind of SAD. 

TEEEHEE. imma copy and paste the hangul and romanization of the danger lyrics here <3

OKAY. lyrics in hangul:

"난 지금 Danger
[빅토리아] 한겹두겹 페스츄리처럼 야 끌려
[빅토리아] 스며들어 틈사이 꿀 처럼
나는 피노키오~
[루나] 너밖에 모르는 내가 됐어 아슬아슬 위태위태 시작되는 SHOW
따라따라따따따 짜릿짜릿할거다 궁금투성이에 너 꼼짝마라 너
조각조각 따따따 꺼내보고 따따따 맘에 들게 널 다시 조리할거야"
now the lyrics in romanization:
"nahn jeegeum Danger,
hangyupdoogyup pehseuchyoorheechuhruhm yah ggeulyuh,
Seumyuhdeulyuh tteumsahee ggool chuhruhm,
Nahneun Pinocchio,
Nuhbakkeh mohreuneun nehgah dwessuh ahseulahseul hweetehweeteh sheejakdwehneun show,
Ddarahddrah dda dda dda chareehtchareeht halgguhdah goongeumttoosungee ehnuh ggomjjakmarrah nuh,
Jogakjogak dda dda dda gguhnehbohgo dda dda dda mameh deulgeh nuhl dashi johrheehalguhyah"

eeeek. LOVE.
complete and utter love. 
i am madly in love with their smash hits:
- Chu
- La Cha Ta
- Danger

i am intoxicated by your music. everytime i feel super down or sad or upset or any negative emotions, 85% of the time, whenever i listen to your music (AHEM. THE SONG DANGER); i become like. all high. its just soooo catchy. like seriously. zomg. lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove. i like. almost learnt the WHOLE like dance routine. GIMME A LITTLE MORE TIME. :]

mmm, science practicals tmr. i'm not sure whether i should be scared or like. well, i'm not scared right now, but yeah. kalsjnclkasncdjklncljkans. 

i'm going abit crazy. i was talking to tess and nicole about f(x). SPREADING THE LOVE YOU KNOWS? 

oh and i'm asking around for like the coding to link to like older posts and stuff (archives), and well. its not succeeding (AHEM. TESS. :P) yeahh. WHERE IS THE BLOG QUEEN MICHELLEY (michelle wong)? D:

yeah. i'm going through weird mood swings ): i'm hyper but sad o.o what the nonsense right?

i'm just weird like that. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011 || 11:49 PM

hey guys.

okay. first thing i would like to talk about is uhh. about a dear friend of mine <3

(: i just saw a post which nazlin dedicated to me (: and i have to say. nazzy, you are awesome. like seriously. loool. you remember that i like stalk your blog 24/7 :P ahhaha. thank you nazzy, for being here for me (: i'm touched. love you nazzy :')

WELL. that post made me tear up. omg. i'm so stupid. i've always been blind. everytime i'm emo or depressed or down, i always think that i'm all alone, and there's like hardly anyone no one to talk to. but, well. i'm wrong, as usual. because my friends are here for me. nazzy, mitty, ming, esther --> they each have some sort of special way of cheering me up. there are more who are there for me, but these four, really helped me out so much. i can't express on how thankful i am for having you guys (:

and. well. i'm actually here to like. RANT. again. :/ sorry guys. i kind of said in one of my previous posts to like not rant to anyone because well. I ANNOY PEOPLE MAN. sooo. :/ but then, its like. i didn't really stick to it, cause i ranted out to ming but it kind of failed because something happened *cough*

i feel sooooooooooooo down. i think its cause all the little bits and pieces are like piling up and ready to burst. i stopped crying for two days now. accomplishment (Y) but i can feel it welling up inside. its building up, ready to burst. i forgot to mention, i almost started crying during my malay paper 4. ugh. i was like tearing up and stuff. ): thank goodness i didn't though, if not i would have had loads of explaining to do to the exam invigilators.

hmmm. geography paper 1 tmr. or in a few hours. shit. crap. poo. manure. faeces. GAH. i think imma like. screw it up. ): i can only remember like 10 case studies-ish (: compared to me remembering only like bits and pieces from each case study, and fully remembering 4 only; remembering 10 full case studies and other bits and pieces is an improvement (: BUT ITS TMR. SCREWED. i guess i will have to bullcrap my way through some questions :/ ahmagawd. i really have to make up for this paper by like ACING paper 2 and paper 4 and paper 5. nguhhhhh.

i still want to cry. if something happens to me like right now, there's no stopping my tears. i will send forth my tears which will drown the world. i'm trying to quote i think the Duchess of York from Richard III, but i guess i failed. yeah.. you guys get the point right? crying loads. mmm.


|| 2:14 PM



YEAH. 5 down, 9 to go (: 

malay paper 4 today. twas good i guess. the first essay question was like. o.o easy. the second one? IMAGINATIVE? i have no imagination. i died. i was struggling like crap. but i managed to finish it and double check my work (: i'm praying for the A* for malay. :]

okay. the next 9 papers. i swear. imma die. add math for me? its just like jumping into a body of water, covered in blood, filled with hungry man-eating sharks. geo? i'm studying it now. THERE IS NO WAY IN MOTHER NATURE, WHERE I CAN REMEMBER ALL THESE CASE STUDIES IN TIME ): science? practicals i'm worried something weird's gonna come out, and like. the extended paper. i think imma die. oh and drama. its not.. hard. but its like. tedious ): FUUUUUUUUUUU. 

freaking out for geog. i'm just like this right now:

well, at least i'm not one of those people who still have like double-digit exams (: what do they take man. o.o so many papers. i would die if i were them :/

countdownnnn. can't wait till this is all over (:

man. i really hope i get at least like 5As :/ or be like my prefect mentor michelle cossar :D SHE DAYUM PROS. 6A*s, 4As. GAHHHH. i wanna get those results ): then adding on like. my other two exam things i've already done, mandarin and math, then that means i will get 7A*s, 5As. (: okay i'm thinking too much. i'm not that smart anyways o.o but i hope i can get at least 5 more As to secure my scholarship :( 

mmm. yeah. i'm feeling down again. but having a nap and listening to f(x) made me like. not as down as i would be. thank goodness. 

anyways, back to geo (:


|| 12:14 AM


i really don't know what you want. 
you're so confusing and unpredictable. i can't.. omg. i just. GAH.

are we even friends?
because you really make it unclear sometimes - whether we like each other or hate each other.

is our friendship just a fake one?
because i remember you saying that you're only nice to me because someone asked you to do so.

do you even care about me?
all this time, everything. like. everytime you comforted me, listened to me rant. is it all just an act? just to show the person who asked you to be nice to me that we're on good terms now?

do you even mean what you say?
you say that i'm your friend. you say that you want me to be happy. you say this, you say that. is everything just a big, fat, ugly lie?

sorry guys. i'm just uhh. kind of confused and perturbed right now. i really don't know how to react to this. maybe you're right. i'm just too sensitive.  but seriously. i don't know what you mean. i don't understand how you think. i thought i was a people person. but now? i don't know. i'm really confused. maybe i'm overreacting. freak. i can't even type/think properly.


Monday, May 16, 2011 || 6:24 PM

the title was random. first word i could think of.

anyways. second blog post. like. an hour after the blog post of the day.

yeah. okay. i feel quite. down. now. ): NO ONE WANTS TO LIKE HEAR ME RANT ANYMORE. i think my ranting is annoying people. i think maybe i just rant too much. but thats me ): i think my emotional self is going through a hard time right now, so i just.. you know. have to rant it all out to someone. then i would feel better. (: but i think everyone's sick and tired of me ranting. like. annoyed. pissed off. yeah. ):

honestly, i don't know why i'm saying this, but i can't wait to like. leave malaysia. leave behind the emotional pain and emotional torments which i had to freaking go through. right now, i'm just like. fml fml fml fml fml fml. yesterday, i'm really touched cause i was feeling SO FREAKING DOWN and i told mit, and she actually called me using her aussie number to like cheer me up. and then we like. skyped and webcammed. man. i miss her so so so so so much. <3 always here for me. 

but i can't like disturb her 24/7 right? like. to tell you the truth. i've been crying like so much for the past few days in a row. few hours straight. usually in the evenings/night. just crying. tissue would be all over my room. i would look like a freaking mess. mhmm. 

i don't know why i just like. blurted that out. but well. i think. from now on, imma stop like asking people to listen to me rant. because i feel like its as if i'm forcing them to? well. they wouldnt have to care about me anymore, wouldnt they? ahhaha. story of my life. 


|| 5:39 PM

yooooohoooooo (:

so. today. i had english literature and science MCQ. (: they went pretty well i guess. hmmm. my poetry essay question for lit was awesome i guess (: WRCG essay question was.. uhh. o.o okay? BUT RICHARD? WHAT THE NONSENSE. I DID NOT UNDERSTANDS THE QUESTION. and i couldn't be bothered to like scrap the essay question cause the other two involved flipping through the book and finding specific moments, and i was kind of short on time. SOOOOO. hmmm. yeah. i bullcrapped my way through the freaking question. TEEHEEE.

science MCQs were.. easy i guess (: WELL THEY SEEMED EASY WHEN I WAS DOING IT. until the exam was over. then everyone's like discussing the answers. so i was like. yeah. nevermind. fml. NGUHHHHHH. GEOGRAPHY IN 2 DAYS. FREAK. OF. NATURE. oh. and ming just called me STUPID. mhmm. yeah. i guess i am stupid :P

how many more exams do i have left? hmmmm.

4 down, 10 to go. (:

okay. so. i'm feeling better than how i felt over the weekend. BUT I CAN FEEL MY MOOD GOING DOWN AGAIN ): i think i need to like. start skyping with someone. a friend. someone who can keep me away from all those bad nasty sad depressing upsetting thoughts. mmm. 


random thought. does anyone actually READ MY BLOG POSTS? even though they're so ranty? AHAHHAHA. man. :P sorry guys. my blog's full of ranty emo posts. which reminds me.

i kind of miss you. okay that was quite random but i had to say that. SHOUT.IT.OUT. 



Saturday, May 14, 2011 || 6:22 PM

hey peeps.

igcses. are. killing. me. i'm halfway through a science MCQ, but yeah. had to BLOG.
so these are the papers i have to sit for:

(: 3 down, 12 to go. 

the feeling after finishing one WHOLE WEEK OF EXAMS. teehee. (: happy.

well, firstly, my mood, well. it was like this:

to this:

mmm. happy-go-lucky transformed into perturbation (feeling upset), exasperation (angry/pissed off), and depression. i think, my like. constant mood swings is like messing with my appetite. i used to eat like TONS MAN. TONS. and now? pssht. i can't eat alot. i used to like stuff myself like crazy with like. FOOD. and i could like eat day and night. but now, its like. i can't eat anything at all. i think i'm becoming anorexic. 

oh and you know? yesterday, after ict theory, its like. a group of friends and i were going out to eat lunch, and well. SOMEONE was being slightly annoying so i just like dodged and swung around a pole to like avoid him. WELL. turns out, that there was this freaking signboard on the freaking pole. and i didnt notice and well. WHACK. BANG. SMASH. KABOOM. -.- i literally went dazed for a few minutes. i saw stars (seeing stars is actually quite cool) and well. my head hurt. and NOW THERE'S THIS FREAKING HUGE LIKE. RED LINE ACROSS MY HEAD. NGUHHH. thank goodness my hair is like covering it. my mom asked me whether i wanted to go and cut my hair and i was like NO. i want to keep the hair until my freaking scar heals. IT HURTS LIKE CRAZY. i can't wash my hair properly, and some parts are blue-black -.- nguhhh. OMG. i just realised yesterday was FRIDAY 13TH. -.- just my luck. 

anyways. that isnt what's making me have all these freaky mood swings. i just feel so aggravated about like. LIFE. and FAMILY. and FRIENDS. and SOMEONE IN PARTICULAR. MY GOODNESS. sorry guys, i'm like ranting about like so many things in like all my posts :S story of my life. 

freak. i'm like so pissy now. i was so rude to my mom just now ): crap man. my life. 

pooey. i hope everything will take a turn for the better ): like seriously. i need someone to talk to. bad. ): 

i want to stop crying.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 || 3:04 PM

yooooohoooooo (:

SO. one paper of my igcses. done. which is malay. paper 2. reading and directed writing. yerr. twas easy-ish (: but it was definitely harder than what they came up with in the past years. MAN. I BETTER GET AN A* FOR MALAY. 

so. today. i went to school. even though i had no exams. to study. (: in my opinion, i actually studied quite alot. o.o and when i say that, i actually did more notes than i would normally do at home. i like spammed man. ict, in the morning, and some geo in the afternoon. I AM FREAKING OUT FOR GEO. ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY. crap man. 40+ case studies to learn and memorize, and i've only like memorized what? like 4? D: pooey.

also, today, donovan taught  me what the funny bone actually is. it is apparently some sort of soft muscle/cartilage thing (correct me if i'm wrong) which like. when its like poked hit, its like, it numbs your whole arm. mhmm. how interestings. i hit my funny bone. and i couldn't do anything for like 5 minutes. lololol. 

two days in a row. i ate nasi lemak for brunch. but its so yummy. i feel like having more. yum. maybe i'll get some tmr as well :P 

poo. english tmr. english language. i really hope that for the first question of that paper 2 language paper thingy, they won't give like some sort of newspaper report format for us to write in. i'll be like @#$%^&*. mhmm. censored. x) i hope they give us some letter or something. persuasive letter. :D

and on friday. ict theory. i feel like i'm going to fail. i can't remember much! D: 
okay. so i shall spam ict theory like crazy.*. 

predicament - should i take geog for a levels or should i drop it for psychology? IF ONLY I HAD THE OPTION TO TAKE 5 SUBJECTS. nguhhhh. D: 

right now, i'm kind of like:
mhmm. stressed. i know how you feel lady ;) 


what is the happenings?
Monday, May 9, 2011 || 12:01 AM

yo peeps. (:

this is gonna be a short post on what i did for my birthday (:

went out with don and ming for a lunch thing in one world hotel.
walked around ou to find mother's day stuffs :D
came back to my house to chill abit.
donovan left.
ming fell asleep at my place.
went for dinner (: BALINESE.
stuffed myself like crazy. nguhh. SO FULL. and i stuffed ming with food as well (: man i'm going to need to work it all off.
sent ming back.

so thats a sum up of my day (: the brunch thing was SO LAST MINUTE MAN. thank goodness they both could come (: i have never hung out with friends on my birthday EVER. well, yeah. EVER. like on the actual day. man. i'm so glad you guys came (: love you both.

okay. so i kind of missed posting this before 12.00am. uber fail. loool. anyways, back to ict theory (:

happy birthday to me.
Sunday, May 8, 2011 || 12:51 AM

yo peeps.

today. its me birthday (: happy birthday to me :P ahahhaha.

today, i'm going out with ming and don for this mini lunch thingo. o.o so yeah. looking forward to that. (:

well, sweet sixteen.

yay. (: but why do i still feel quite sad? its my BIRTHDAY MAN. i'm meant to be happy and jumping with joy. maybe its cause i feel old. o.o i don't know. i have a sudden urge to just go to the bathroom, lock myself in and cry to my heart's content.

MAN. this is meant to be a happy post but yet i talked about something sad. utter fail man.

this is gay. why am i feeling so down? :( anyways, i'm not really in the mood to continue writing about stuff which i wanted to write about in this post, so.. yeah.

i pray, to never ever feel heartbroken, sad, dissapointed, perturbed and well. mostly heartbroken again. its too much.

bitter tears
Saturday, May 7, 2011 || 1:47 AM

i can't stop crying.

i've been crying for the past 2 hours.

i can't seem to stop.

its already 1.39am, and i have badminton training tmr at 11.

i have to wake up early tmr.

i have to sleep. but.

i can't sleep cause i'm crying.

why can't i stop crying?

i really can't.

my heart is broken into so many pieces now, i don't know how i'm going to recover from this.

i need my friends. but i'm scared that if i get closer to them, its going to be worse when they leave.

i'm trying to make new friends, but it isn't working. one particular one which i'm trying to become good friends with to help and fill the gap which my really really close friends are leaving behind is being such a slkjncdlskancdkajsnckjlasncdlan. i try, i really try. its just that you misinterpret all these and brush them off your shoulder as if its nothing.

i want to give up. i really want to.

i stopped crying after typing out this post.

now i need to sleep so that i will at least have some energy to play badminton tmr.

to my friends: please don't leave. this may sound really selfish but i need you. without you lot, i am nothing. literally. i will be like an abandoned pup, trying to find a new home.

but, always rmbr that you guys will be in my heart, and i love you all.


nerds and rebels - last day of high school.
Friday, May 6, 2011 || 8:22 PM

hey friends (:

so today, was the last day of high school. :'( and us year 11s were dressing up as nerds or rebels in our school uniform. YES. we had to dress up in our school uniform/wearing our school uniform. man. today was so cool. i was dressed up as a rebel, and i wore eyeliner and sprayed my hair red. :) and i kind of vandalized my white polo school shirt. like cut the edges and stuff. and i wore like those punk/goth bracelets and uhh. a gothic necklace. BUT. in my attempt to look rebellious, i. uhh. well. instead, according to several teachers and friends of mine, i looked PRETTY instead. lolers.

the day was quite chilled. it was like, party and party and YEAH. :P OH. its friday, friday~ teehee. sorry x) alright. so uhh. for english, we had this roti canai/nasi lemak party, and  for the first add math (periods 3 and 4), i did.. nothing. but for add math periods 5 and 6, we kind of had a pizza party thing x) so uhh. yeah. after, we year 11s kind of like. went to the staff lounge. yes. the STAFF LOUNGE. to sit and like. wait for teachers to chase us out, but i was eating pizza from like add math so i didn't want to go in, so uhh. yeah. i was hovering outside :P then teachers chased us away, then we went to the field, and like. we had this year photo thing, and uhh. yeah. :P fun stuff. OH. and also, we had this massive freeze thingy on the G floor. it was something like this: :)

then, well. for ict, nothing much happened. i just got like photos taken :) mini discussion and whatnot. oh, and ms pow and mr lim gave like such  sad emotional goodbye speeches :'( SNIFF. I HATE GOODBYES. HATE.IT.LIKE.POO.

LOL. man. i'm going to miss everyone who's leaving. i think imma cry and drown the world with my tears cause so many of my close friends are leaving :'( nguhh. i really hate goodbyes.

so, birthday in like, 2 days :) EXAMS IN 4. CRAP.


uhh. yeah. (: oh. and i need to put a quote about love here. uhh.. OH HERE'S A GOOD ONE:

"I love you not because I need you, I need you because I love you."


Wednesday, May 4, 2011 || 9:49 PM

hey friends. 

lol. second post today. well, i just need to rant man.

ahhaha. i know i'm probably not the only one, but i kind of have my birthday like the DAY before IGCSEs. so. yeah. fml. ahahahaha. well, i wasn't actually expecting much, but then i, being me, started to overthink and overplan things about study groups on my birthday this sunday, and well. loool. i thought it'll all work out, but well. people are busy studying for their exams. so. yeah. i shall not. celebrate. i will be a good student. and stay home and study. yeah. i won't even go out for the normal dinner thing i have with my parents. loool. 

poo. igcses are closing in by the hour. i am freaking out. i was doing an ict past paper just now, but well. i kinda screwed it up. CHEMISTRY. omg. if the questions in the exam are as hard as those, i will DIE. like. seriously. die. 

screwed like mad. hahaha. WHY AM I FEELING SO EMO o.o i already kept on telling myself nothing's going to happen on my birthday this year, but why am i so disappointed this year? i don't normally feel so perturbed and disappointed about this. maybe its cause well, people had like such great sweet sixteen parties, and i have to admit, i am kind of envious :P ahhaha. 

but i must not feel disappointed or perturbed, because everyone else has exams to study for. i must not be egocentric. i have exams to study for as well. but i really really wanna do something this year on my birthday with friends, you know? and on the actual day itself? instead of a late party like one or two months later cause of exams. i feel so perturbed man. i think its not just the birthday thing which is upsetting me. THERE IS SOMETHING ELSE which is making me feel this way. 

mmm, that's all i have to say. back to revision. 

|| 5:33 PM

hey y'all (:

man. 4 days till i turn 16. o.o i am feeling the uhh. effects of oldness x)

I GOT A NEW BLOG THEME :D but being the idiot i am, i have no idea how to change the picture and input a chatbox thingy and well. change stuff! nguhh. i fail man. x) anyone care to help?
imma try and uhh. do this new style of summarizing about what's been happening x) basically the first word of the coming sentences is going to be what the sentence is about. so yeah. :P hope that didn't uhh. sound confusing x)

igcses. crap. my first exam is on May 10th. my malay paper 2. reading and directed writing. i hope its easy :/

revision. going well for some subjects, not so well for others. 

add math. poo. i really want to get an A for add math but it seems SO UNLIKELY TO HAPPEN.

love. going nowhere.  i like you, you don't like me. i wanna give up but i can't. life sucks. 

"I choose to love you in my dreams, for in my dreams no one could love you more then me."

"When you love somebody, every love song you hear reminds you of this person."

OKAY SERIOUSLY. i need help with editing my blog layout. BUT ISN'T IT COOL? LIKE THERE'S THE ARROW AND THEN ITS LIKE *BLOOOOP* AND THE THINGY COMES OUT :D loool. i was studying until 12.30am ish yesterday today. then uhh. i was looking for blog themes until like 1am :P man. i think imma die of lack of sleep. 
mmm, i think imma get off blogger. :P too distracting.

oh. and one last thing. from what i've read, agape love is to love unconditionally, purely, wholeheartedly and faithfully. i think i might just love you that way. because i can't seem to stop loving you.


Sunday, May 1, 2011 || 9:03 PM


i would like to say, firstly, that the title for this post is completely random. so. yeah. TEEHEE.

wazzzzzzups. :) haven't blogged in awhile x) sorry about that. but uhh. yeah. :P so. exams starts in 8 days. my birthday's in 7 days. joy. teeeheeee.

okay, so for my exams, i think i'm pretty much screwed for loads of subjects. likeee, geography, ict, add math, physics, bio, chem, and well. everything except for english literature and english language. o.o weird eh? cause i think i rmbr saying how i will be able to own everything except for english literature. funny stuff.

uhh. hmmm. so uhh. mitty came back :) but then she went back to australia already D; sniff. okay, 2 more months. then she's coming back. >:)

so uhh. mmm, going over to ming's place tmr for revision :) gonna be fun. :D ahhaha. yeah. okay.

so urm. yeah.

;) hehee.