Hello there (:
My name is Ronnie! Will be turning 17 on the 8th of May. I currently live in Malaysia and I attend GIS. I love all my friends and my family. And as you can tell, I'm kind of obsessed with Gi Kwang, B2ST and f(x) ^^

ANYWAYS. Get to know me better! :]

P.S. archives can be accessed by clicking on the "hot summer, a hot hot summer" ^^

oh you're so special ;)

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Ming Mun Lim

Michelle Hong

Nazlin Amirudin

Michelle Wong

Teresa Lai

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“hot summer, a hot hot summer.”
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Saturday, April 23, 2011 || 10:18 PM

"God is Love, Love is God.
God is forever, therefore so is Love"

|| 10:17 PM

hey friends :)
sorry for the lack of updates, been super busy lately. i shall update y'all soon, but just wanted to let y'all know, that from now on, whenever you see a #(number) titled post, you should expect a quote coming right up :D
so here is the first ever post dedicated to a quote:

"Love is like a candle, a spark is all it takes. It can gently burn all by itself, or it can set the whole town alight. Love is not living, therefore it cannot die. But a spark is all it takes to rekindle it back to the way it was."

Thursday, April 14, 2011 || 10:04 PM

hey friends :)

wow. long time since i last blogged x) hahaha. today was such an up-and-down day.

you know, today, i got to hang out with my BESTFRIENDFORLIFEANDBEYOND michelle hong :D and her brother matt :D teeheee. we went to like ikano, ikea, the curve and cineleisure to like chill x) and uhh. we also like bought some school supplies as well :P hahahaha. oh and, donovan came along as well :) we like. hung out from 11 to 6 :p wow. there goes like most of my day x) we watched HOP. SO CUTE LAH THE BUNNY. its like. WHUTTHECRAP WHY YOU SO CUTES. yeahh :) but the ending was so WEIRD. HAHAHAHA.

and after, came back, showered, ate dinner and was doing chemistry, until i had to get into this stupid argument with my parents. -.- how dare they read through my private journal/diary. i freaking bitch about people there, and i vent out any unneccesary emotions there, and i also talk about my feelings towards other people as well. -.- NGUHH. how dare you. i need SPACE. SPACE. PRIVACY. why must you freaking go through my stuff? THIS IS WHY I NEVER TELL YOU PEOPLE MY PROBLEMS. because when i do, you guys will RANSACK MY ROOM AND DIG OUT MORE INFORMATION. -.- even though you guys care for me, i will CHOOSE TO DISCLOSE WHATEVER INFORMATION I WANT TO TELL YOU GUYS. after all, this is MY LIFE. and MY PROBLEMS. MY CHOICES. you may give me some pep talk, but you don't just go through my stuff and read my diary! i know you both mean it in a good way, but srsly? going through my stuff and ACCIDENTALLY reading through my diary is just LOW. there is a reason why i HID IT. ughh. WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME. i was doing my chemistry revision, and now i lost all my focus. -.- THANK YOU SO MUCH.

on the bright side, easter holidays have started :]

but i still feel horrible. its like all the information from my brain has been suctioned out and all the feelings i've ever felt is exposed. i feel like my soul is just hanging out there, naked. just for everyone to see and read. ugh.

exasperation and perturbation fills my heart.

Monday, April 4, 2011 || 11:20 PM

hey peeps (:

its been awhile. so uhh. i shall sum stuffs up (:

okay. so i went to ming's party (woohoo!) and i had a blast :) japanese brunch at zippangu, hanged out with my new bestie MICHELLE TEO :) after, went back to her place, and we played around (tennis, swimming, playground and whatnot) and yeah :)

after that, ming, don and i went to CHURCH. amazing. and we were singing and all, and donovan was like uhh, *awkward turtle* :P HAHHAHHAHAH. sorry about that don o.o but uhh, yeah. towards the end, he started singins apparently (: good stuff. OMG. and you know, when i was bringing don to the toilet (he didnt know where it was), i saw this cat right? and it was just like STARING AT ME. and the place was like DARK. i was like freaked out. i switched on the like bathroom lights for don, and i waited outside, and the cat kept on STARING. it was CREEEPY. i got so freaked out. and then when don came back out, we like walked away right, and the cat just kept on STARING. D: nguhh. so the scary. ): i told don and he saw it, but he thought it was cute. i think it would be cute if it wasnt AT NIGHT. eeeeeeeek.

hmmm. yeah. school. nguhh. homeworks - DONE. :) i feel so elated. BUT YOU KNOW, this week. add math mocks. AGAIN. freak.of.nature. i will fail these again. but maybe not as bad as last time :) teeeeeheeeee. but yeah. omgomgomgomg. freaking out.

you know, i have the chemistry past paper booklet open in front of me, and i like. just cant like. I JUST CANT DO IT. stupid moles. you know what? SCREW YOU MOLES. -.- i'll go do other chem stuffs. :)

yeahs. small break from chem-ing. got uhh. bored of chem :p teeeeeheeeeeeee. yeahs. hmm. but i kinda feel tired :/ maybe i'll do a quick summary sheet then off to bed i go :)

oh and also, the title. 520. the number :) ling told me what it means in like. taiwanese schools (: so the cools. try saying that in mandarin, and relate that to another phrase. hopefully you'll get it ;)

byes! (:

Saturday, April 2, 2011 || 12:55 AM

hey friends (:

so. yeah. today was the first day of school after study leave. wheeee. mhmm. well. nothing much happened actually. english, add math, add math, ict. added more stuff for our Richard III board, did past papers after past papers for both add math lessons, and started revising theory for ict. mhmm. sums up my day.

oh, and i am officially addicted to vampire diaries. nguhh. thanks ming. -.-

i still have like my drama essay to do, and i've done part of my bio homework. i've finished my physics, and uhh, everything else but bio and drama. trulz. i've been studying alot for add math, i srsly hope i can get at least a B. lolers. i have extremely low standards for add math.

omg. i did like this part of physics revision yesterday, and like. omg. i didnt even rmbr mr feiller teaching us that. oh my. oh my. oh my. well, at least i know now right? :D its like, boyle's law, charles' law, and the universal gas law, and stuff about circuits and whatnot. woah maynn. i think i might ace the physics part of the exam :D but what i am freaking worried about is chemistry. i used to be able to do like, some, not all questions, but now? OMG. crapppp. D: what to do what to do. freaking out. nguhh.

you know, my friends, its like. you can expect minimum one paragraph about me being perturbed in any of my blog posts. now, i feel like an outcast. like.. yeah. its like, im watching vampire diaries instead of studying (thats how rebel i am) and well, uhh. i am getting FREAKED OUT. and i spammed people asking them whether they can skype or not, but no one actually answered me until the scary part was over. SORRY. wait. its still ON. i just paused it to blog. because i am getting freaked out.

you know, its like. ming's party tmr :) its like, im looking forward to it, but i have a feeling that im going to be an outcast. i mean, im not really close to anyone who's there but ming and ling maybe? but yeah. ughh. im just gonna be a loner walking by myself and SOMEONE is going to call me an attention seeker because im walking by myself, trying to get attention. well sorrryyyyyyy if i'm socially awkward. but. i have to be happy tmr. for ming's sake. because. i have to not be emo and not make her worry about me and whatnot. happy. be happy. you know, happiness seems like a chore to me nowadays. i cant seem to be happy like, whenever im at home. in school, only when my friends are like around, then maybe at times i'll be happy. what is wrong with me. i wanna go back to my former self - all happy, without a care for the world. i was actually able to relive that for a moment after school, whilst talking to coley [nicole chan] :) i was all high and like whatnot. so the funnys.

and you know? today? april fools right? omg. esther destroyed me with this prank. i got so excited about like, this so called "arron yan private gathering concert" which is only available for 20 people, and she got tickets cause her dad was part of the committee putting the thing together or somethign, and like. GAHH. i got excited for nothing -.- then, i tested out the same thing with RACHELLL :) but instead of arron yan, it was me meeting wang lee hom in like, pavilion and getting his autograph and pics with him and stuff. trololol. her reaction was like a boss. ;) so the funnys.

yeah. so uhh. urm. goodnight :)

byes! (: