Hello there (:
My name is Ronnie! Will be turning 17 on the 8th of May. I currently live in Malaysia and I attend GIS. I love all my friends and my family. And as you can tell, I'm kind of obsessed with Gi Kwang, B2ST and f(x) ^^

ANYWAYS. Get to know me better! :]

P.S. archives can be accessed by clicking on the "hot summer, a hot hot summer" ^^

oh you're so special ;)

friends ;]

Ming Mun Lim

Michelle Hong

Nazlin Amirudin

Michelle Wong

Teresa Lai

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“hot summer, a hot hot summer.”
September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011

funny stuffs.
Thursday, March 31, 2011 || 4:50 PM

hey friends :)

oh my goodness. this made me laugh like crazy. i was like

i love you both.
this makes my day :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 || 10:29 PM

hey friends :)

wow. i'm blogging again. and look! this time i right-aligned  my post. i think im cool.
well guys, guess what? hahhahaha. AGONY. yeah. can i just say that this post will be kind of short. 
well, as you can tell from the title. i am in AGONY. emotionally. again. emotionally distressed.
see? i have freak mood swings. i was quite okay just now. and now. gah.
it feels like my heart just jumped off the empire state building. 
it like. dropped. its in pain. gahh. 

wow. i just ate some sort of cough medicine. trololol.
yeah, i have a cough.
and you know, delphine is making me listen to some sort of old-style music. 
ITS LIKE SO OLDIES. like what i used to hear when i was a kid. hahahahaha! 
its like,  so oldies. hahahhaa! 
its not that bad. 

byes (:
p.s. sorry if my posts are so.. uhh. boring and draggy and ranty and whatnot. 
i dont really know who to talk to nowadays, so i just like.. blog it out.
sorry :(

mood swing much?
|| 9:22 PM

hey friends.

wow. i have mood swings. like srsly. its not even funny. 
well, its ming's birthday today, just gonna wish her happy again here :) 

yeah. uhh. hmmm.
im like middle-ing my posts now :) if you know what i mean.
and, uhh..
well, today, i have to say, i wasnt that emo. which is GOOD STUFF.
but now i'm feeling perturbed again. oh my life.

well, i went to ming's house after school today. i actually wasnt meant to go, but then i went. how weirds.
i went to her house with donovan. yeah. 
it was like, time flew by like super fast. like srsly. one minute it was like, 3pm, and the next, it was like 5 already.
oh ma gawsh.
you know, i feel like.. not crying for once :) but i still feel down.
oh yay-ers :)
well, you know, today, we had this little party thing for jerry and ming at one mont kiara, in nandos. :) 
i ate so much.
i was so full. 
1/4 chicken with two sidelines. SO OMNOMNOM.

hmm. well. uhh. 
life. is. weirds.
i am currently omgpop-ing now. whilst blogging.
i did add math revision today :)
and uhh. yeah. thats all i did.
oh and i also like. 
sorta did bio revision? well.. kinda. not really. well, a little.
and i need to start on my drama essay.
and my add math homework.
and my bio homework.
hmm. im sure i had more.
oh crap. i should start on some now.

NAHH. >:)
i shall procrastinate. as usual. i'll do later or tmr.
hahahhah. if there was a test about procrastination, i'll own it. :p
or ace it. whichever.

anyways, im getting lazy to like.. blog.
i might blog again later if i gain the momentum again. =)
byes (:


happy birthday mingy :) x
|| 12:09 AM


i hope you're reading this.

happy birthday to you ,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you :)


happy birthday to you,
you live in a zoo,

lolers. the second song was a joke :p
love yous.

what is the up?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011 || 11:16 PM

hey friends.

i'm feeling worse. not like, sick-worse, but emotionally worse. i feel like my heart is exploding due to the outburst of emotions. i want to cry, but i can't. i think i'll feel better after i cry. but srsly, i cant. why? what on earth is stopping me from crying?

i recently saw something on tumblr which says: "it is psychologically proven that if your first tear comes from your right eye, its happiness, but when it comes from your left, its pain". wow. does that mean that all this time, i've been crying due to happiness? i thought i was crying because i was heartbroken. wow. i sound lovesick here.

you know, i'm meant to be getting over you, but srsly. everytime i almost like, get over you, its like. you somehow make me like you again. i really dislike that part about you.

i dont know. im drowning in all these unnecessary emotions. its just. omg. i dont know. sometimes i feel like i cant take it anymore. my heart feels like it dropped to where my gut is. i feel so perturbed nowadays. its so obvious. if its something small, i usually can cover it up, but im that sort of person who cant really cover their emotions. wow. i fail. goodness.

sometimes, what i want is like a sign, you know? that at least you care? but it seems like you dont. at all. its not even funny. on the bright side, i finished my ict practicals :) even though i think i messed up my paper 3 badly.

i skyped with mitty today. 10 days :) i miss talking to you everyday. i miss seeing you everyday. i cant wait for you to come back. wow. i sound obsessed o.o it was nice to actually talk to you just now. i miss the fact that you were my shoulder to cry on.

i think that whenever i'm alone, i somehow feel worse than usual. like now. all alone. maybe its because i distance myself from people. i srsly think im becoming more socially awkward. which is bad. i cant smile nowadays. there's always this upset look on my face apparently. gotta turn that frown, upside down you know? and its ming's birthday tmr. or in like.. 53 minutes. i wanna be the first to wish her everywhere. she's been such a close friend of mine for awhile now. but i doubt i will be the first. ming, if you're reading this, i bet that you're new buds are gonna beat me to it. again. lol. sighh.

friends, i really need someone to talk to. but its like, i cant seem to trust people nowadays. somehow, everything i say gets around to everyone. i dont know who's telling or whatever, or maybe they overheard someone talking about it to someone else who i told, but.. i dont know. i really dont know. i feel like im a shadow of my former self. i feel like a ghost sometimes. just drifting through the school hallways, living life without joy most of the time. by the way, if you're one of those people who somehow see me smiling everytime you see me, well, its probably cause my friends are there to cheer me up and to make me laugh. but once they are gone, i become an empty shell.

this post is so ranty. im so sorry. but, i really dont know. its like, whenever i feel sad and just need someone to be there, no one's there. but whenever im fine, people swarm me and whatnot. i mean, i dont mind, but i really just want someone who is able to be there to cheer me up whenever im down. im getting scared of disturbing my like other friends, because they're gonna think im annoying. mitty, well, sorry to keep on mentioning her name (sorry mitty, if you're reading this. im making you sound like a superwoman. lol.), well, she's like an older sister. someone who im really comfortable just like, disturbing her and saying "OH MY I HAVE ISSUES PLEASE LISTEN OR ELSE I'LL BE SAD. KTHX." but usually for others, they're like freaking busy or like.. well. they cant attend to me all the time, you know? like that. i want a hug. a nice, warm hug which will cheer me up. i have to behave tmr. its ming's birthday. i have to be happy for her. i have to be.

oh speak of the devil. she's calling me on skype now. maybe this will cheer me up.

anyways, expect a post later dedicated to ming :)

byes (:


why hello there >:)
Friday, March 25, 2011 || 11:05 PM

hey friends :)

omg. i like. did my ict paper 2 today :D teehee. i think i did pretty good :) but i sincerely hope, that the exam board wont like penalize you for like using alot of paper.. cause its like. i used up like.. tons of paper, and 18 sheets are like scrap. i am so environmentally unfriendly. :O

anyways, i think i have the COUGH. D: and it is so freaking annoying. i kept on coughing throughout my ict exam. not funny. D: im still coughing now. nguhh. D:

hmmmmmmmmm. i think im going back to my hometown-place thingy this weekend. nguhh. cant study ict. no internet connection. gonna die of BOREDOM. D: well, at least i have pokemon right? >:)

meeeeeh. you know, we had to leave our bags outside the class right, and like, my bag was underneath this air-con thingy which was leaking, and its my really awesome fluffy bag which i like, love and cherish. and NOW. its like BASAH. wet. i think basah is wet in malay. if i got it right, then i think i will A* my igcse malay exam :D hmm. i hope its like dry now.

COUGH. SPLUTTER. omg. i havent talked to joel in AGES. actually, i havent talked to like tons of people in ages. i srsly think im becoming like socially awkward. :O oh my life.

hmmmmmm. i wanna go for BADMINTON TRAINING. i need to exercise to burn off calories. eeeee. i feel fat. especially after today, like after eating in secret recipe with MING MUN who like influenced me to eat this CHEEEEESY MACARONI THINGY WHICH WAS LIKE SO FILLING. AND LIKE. ZOMG. SO FATTENING. HAHHAHAHA. i couldnt MOVE properly after eating that. lolers. ming, if you're reading this, rmbr the "drunkness"? HAHAHAHAHAHA. sorry friends, inside joke :p we didnt get drunk btw. we're not bad like that ;)

anyways. gonna go like chill outs. like. uhh. yeah. i should probably like. revise. but considering im going to the place with no internet and stuff, i'll just do revision there. :D

omg. i am freaking scared for igcses now. especially add math D: im fine with english lite, lang, drama and whatnot, but im freaking scared for GEOG, ADD MATH, and COORD SCIENCES. gahhhhhh.

maybe i will revise some stuff now. yeah i think i should. :) i shall geo-vise :D

byes! (:


15 days.
Thursday, March 24, 2011 || 5:52 PM

hey peeps.

i think i've actually been blogging alot :p 2-3 days in a row? what an accomplishment. gah. ict practical exams tmr. wheeeeeeeeeee. -.- ugh.

you know, i actually feel so extremely engulfed in obfuscation, aggravation, disconsolation and the list can go on;
and i dont know what to do about it. nguhh. 

i want to rant. like seriously. but what if someone by accident reads my post and gets hurt? :O that will be bad stuffs. 

there are times when i really miss you mitty. :( and this is like, one of them. i really miss the fact that you're always here for me. you're always with me, encouraging me on things which i want to do. you're always here, my shoulder to lean on. you always comfort me whenever im down. you put up with my attitude and bring me around, you turn my frown upside down. sighh. 15 days till you're back, and i cant wait :)

anyways.chem test. right. failed it. so.freaking.badly. i did not understand a SINGLE WORD on the freaking piece of paper. wait, pieces of paper. nguhh. freak. oh wells. lord donaldson will probably annihilate me on the spot, with his accidental chucking of glass beakers instead of plastic ones to my face. lolers. (if that part didnt make any sense, then uhh, basically once, Lord D was showing our class how not fragile plastics are, and started chucking plastic beakers to the floor, and whoopdeedoo! there were some glass beakers inside that tray of plastic ones, and he chucked a glass one down. and teehee. :) it brokeee. HAHAHHAHA. still makes me laugh. lol. 

aaaaaaaaaaah. life still sucks. but at least i'm over you now :D suck it. im over you. i am uhh, love-less :) teehee. mehehehe. loooool. wheeeee. feels great to not like someone so much :) you know, i have to thank you for your rudeness and bad attitude that you actually give me like 24/7. like seriouslyyy. helped me loads. i didnt even know why i fell for you. hhahaha. but as i told another friend a couple of days ago: love can't be explained. it just happens. it grows uncontrollably once you get a tiny little taste of it. 

but why does it still hurt so much to see you? its like, im happy when you're not around, then i see you, i rmbr all those past emotions that i felt for you before, then my happiness just like. drops. all the way down to negative infinity. right. there's no number for infinity, but screw that. you know what i mean, right? :( sighh. i really want a thank you. "thanks for helping me :) i really appreciate it." but noooo. none whatsoever. its more like: kthx. like that. sorry. sudden change of subject.

i still need to rant. i want to cry. but i cant. sometimes i really just want to like, injure myself until i bring myself to the brink of death. maybe i should like go through a near death experience. and like almost die. maybe you'll care more if i become comatose and nearly die. hmmm. but i think i'd know what you'll say: "okay. wtv." goodness. sigh. 

well. i still want to cry. i dont know why. everything i seem to do is wrong. why though? i try and act like as if you're my good friend or something, and try to talk to you like how i would talk to my bestfriends, but OBVIOUSLY that CREEPS THE CRAP OUT OF YOU. you know what? i get it. i think i would feel the same if i were you. never mind. i think i finally understand why you treat me this way. i think im going through roughly the same experience. but yeah. i wouldnt actually had treated someone this nice if i were you. i praise you on that. bravo, friend. well. looks like i lost you as a friend. and if you're reading this, well, its been really nice knowing you. and uhh, i really enjoyed the times we spent together. have a nice life okay? 

well, i'll just end my post with that. so yeah. i might blog later if i still feel the blues.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 || 11:06 PM

hey guys :)  i saw this on tumblr, and i can relate to this. soo yeah :)


pray for japan :]
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 || 5:49 PM

hey friends :)

firstly, as you all may have heard (well if you havent, then you must had been like living under a rock or something), japan has been hit by firstly, an 8.9magnitude earthquake, which was followed up by a tsunami, with loads of aftershocks, and now, this nuclear thingy is like going on and like radiation and stuff. so i would like to say, to the people in japan who are suffering, i would like to say, on behalf of me, and hopefully the rest of the world, that we feel your pain and that we will want to help out as much as we can in order for you and your country to recover from this horrible natural disaster. i shall be praying for you.

secondly, i havent like, posted a blog post in ages. so uhh, sorry about that. :/ ughh. you know, stress is like building up like CUH-RAY-ZEE. like SERIOUSLY. i am just like OH CRAP IGCSES ARE LIKE IN saljdcnaskldnclk WEEKS. omg. malay speaking tmr. oh crap. ict practical paper 2 on friday. oh my freaking crap. ict practical paper 3 next tuesday. crapcrapcrapcrapcrap.

i am so meant to be revising right now, but i cant concentrate, so i just uhh, decided to do a bloggie post :) teehee. yeah.

you know, love hurts. alot. i mean, like, i didnt just like, learn that love hurts, its just that, it does. i rmbr i suffered a freak load last year from like october ish? until like december ish. thats when i thought, forget it. i am going to erase you from my life. pulverize you into nonexistence. o.o HAHAHHA i kinda quoted that from WRCG (When Rain Clouds Gather). how funny. WOW I STUDIED STUFFS. :) hahahahha looks like my revision is actually working :D

i've been feeling so down for like, the past week or so. you know. i actually feel extremely rejected in a way. like srsly. you know, it feels like you take me for granted sometimes. you just love playing with me, dont you? just bring my hopes up and then you just like annihilate it. destroy my hopes. break my heart. hurt my feelings. i dont mean anything to you, dont i? my heart aint a toy for you to play with. im human. i have feelings. and you dont appreciate the things i do for you sometimes. you aggravate me. you make me feel so exasperated and perturbed. i have such delectable dreams about you sometimes. i actually pray that those dreams were real. i hope you're reading this. and i hope that you know who you are.

oh wow. that paragraph was sooo. o.o sorry other readers who uhh, read that by uhh, yeah. o.o SORRY. but yeah. i just need to vent :)
oh wow. momma bear's cooking smells REALLY YUMMY. i am so hungry. okay. so later, i shall test myself whether i can rmbr my malay speech, and uhh, i shall revise for bio and chem :)

omg. 16 more days until mitty comes back from australia. CANT. WAIT. :)

okay. end of post. the end. fin. o.o

wait, i forgot to say something.

OH YEAH. i got this like, new game. and it is like WHUTTHECRAP AWESOME. i am in love with it :) if i didnt have exams, i would play it like 24/7. gahh.

yeah. okay byes! (: