Hello there (:
My name is Ronnie! Will be turning 17 on the 8th of May. I currently live in Malaysia and I attend GIS. I love all my friends and my family. And as you can tell, I'm kind of obsessed with Gi Kwang, B2ST and f(x) ^^

ANYWAYS. Get to know me better! :]

P.S. archives can be accessed by clicking on the "hot summer, a hot hot summer" ^^

oh you're so special ;)

friends ;]

Ming Mun Lim

Michelle Hong

Nazlin Amirudin

Michelle Wong

Teresa Lai

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“hot summer, a hot hot summer.”
September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011

i wanna be with you. i really like you. but at the same time I don't. why? cause I know you'll hurt me, and not even care, and I don't wanna risk getting hurt again.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 || 6:13 PM

hey guys :)

sorry for the late update, been super busy :/ uhh, imma just summarize what has been going on in my LAIFE lately :p teehee.

well, firstly, i would like to say that uhh, I WENT FOR SEASAC ARTS. zomg it was like AH-MAY-ZEENG. made so many new friends and like, i have a complicite family now :D let me explain:
so basically, i signed up for the complicite workshop, and like, yeah. :) on friday, there was the opening ceremony, and like after that we went to our respective rooms. :) seasac went on from friday to sunday o.o it was damn tiring but still :) so many new friends :D hahahahaha! and like, i think our complicite group is the like, best because like, firstly, we ROCK :) and secondly, we all share a close bond with each other and stuffs :D i wanna list down EVERYONE in my complicite family, but im not sure whether they would mind uhh, having their names down on the internet o.o lololol. :p maybe i'll put ALL their names in my next post :p gahh. so fun lahhs ): i miss y'all so much!

hmmm. next is klmun. omg. i should had like helped out on like saturday or sunday -.- but nooo. i had to help out on the friday - the boring-est day OF THE KLMUN WEEKEND. trulz. fail. so uhh, yeah. i was running around as an admin, showing schools around my uhh, school o.o and uhh, yeahs. i was like a tour guide :p only one friendly klmun person added me on facebook. teehee. :D i made a new friend :p ohmygods i sound so uhh, friendless :p hahahahaha! yeahs. uhh... o.o

*awkward turtle*

yeahh. omg i've been missing so many ict lessons :p this friday will be the first ict lesson i will have in like a MONTH. lololol. teeeheee. yeahs. omg. my ict skills has like deteriorated. nguhh.

well, other than those interesting events which uhh, happened in my life, stress is starting to build up. igcses are drawing closer, and i am starting to freak out. i've started revising, but its like not very hardcore. homework loads are starting to like, lessen? but more revision projects are being given out and stuffs. freaky. lskcnklasncjknclkas. stress. skncaskcnaljknla. im probably not making any sense, but WHATEVS. :) hahahahaha.

oh. and i made a new friend. :) joel? o.o yeahs. joel :D HELLO. o.o
okay. uhh, im probably missing out on stuffs to blog about, but uhh, i'll just include that in my next post or something :p teehees. feeling so lazy. NGUHH.

oh. i HATE ADD MATH. it is like HELL. omg. half of my brain cells die whenever i go for any add math class. sdlkcnsakncsljkadnclkasn. fuuuuu. hate you add math. go die D: sadckjasbckalsncjklncjknjkla SO THE ANGRYS. aslkcdnaskcnslkcnaknkcnasjknslskdnckaljsncjkasnkljasnldcsnklancdjknalk. I WILL DO SO BADLY FOR MY ADD MATH IGCSES. ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY. topics im doing now are vectors and integration. fml. hate. mehh. nguhh. die. i had a revision trigo test recently, and i already know i did badly. fml.

oh yeah. I GOT AN A FOR IGCSE EXTENDED MATH :D its not an A*, but like, uhh, it is better than what i would normally get :) i usually get like Bs and Cs, but an A is like, alot better than a B or a C :D teehee. yeahs. hmmm.

OMG. i had to drop out of IA. D: fml. slkdcnaslkncjkcnlasjkdncalkndcalanclkandckjlancdlka. stupid. alkscdnklasncklnclkaj. nguhh. sldncjaksncjkascnalksnckl. angry.

the stress of year 11 is starting to get to me. and other stresses are getting to me as well. i feel like crying sometimes. ming will understand ): snifff. i feel emo.
fml, story of my life.

:) byes!

恭喜,恭喜,恭喜你 :) HAPPY CNY EVE FRIENDS. :)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 || 6:55 PM

why hello again my fellow readers :)

eeeeek. today's chinese new year's eve :D tmr, its all ANGPOWS. o.o i think thats how you spell it. angpow?angpou?angbow? :p wow i fail as a chinese. for those of you who dont know what angpows are, they're little red packets filled with money given to friends and relatives during chinese new year, to signify luck and wealth and abundance to come to the family or something. o.o teehee.

hmm. i have a reunion dinner coming up in like, 1hour24mins. with my dad's side of the family. wheeeeee. omg. its not gonna be the same without 姑姑(my aunty juliet) there :( nguhh. okay. no sad thoughts.

OH NO. ANOTHER SAD THOUGHT. I STILL HAVE HOMEWORK TO DO. NUUUU! >:( meh. fml. i should had finished more of my like homeworks by now, but nooooo. i had to procrastinate -.- mehh. okay, so things to do when i come back from the dinner:
1. download 3 past ict paper 1s to do (the theory papers)
2. pack my bags to go back to my hometown :)
4. hmmmm... oh right, sms some special people happy cny at midnight :) teeheee. imma wake them up with my sms >:)
5. i think thats it. hmmm. maybe i can do abit more homework?

i feel hungry.



i have been thinking of what else to say, but.. i have simply hit a "blogger's block" :p ahahahahahaha. oh wells. i'll probably do another post sometime soon, if i have internet connection back at my hometown :(
yeahhhs. uhh, alright then :)
sorry if this blog post is like, super confusing :/ cant write properly. teehee.
byes :)