Hello there (:
My name is Ronnie! Will be turning 17 on the 8th of May. I currently live in Malaysia and I attend GIS. I love all my friends and my family. And as you can tell, I'm kind of obsessed with Gi Kwang, B2ST and f(x) ^^

ANYWAYS. Get to know me better! :]

P.S. archives can be accessed by clicking on the "hot summer, a hot hot summer" ^^

oh you're so special ;)

friends ;]

Ming Mun Lim

Michelle Hong

Nazlin Amirudin

Michelle Wong

Teresa Lai

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“hot summer, a hot hot summer.”
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my heart aint a toy for you to play with
Monday, January 31, 2011 || 3:08 PM

hey friends (:

sorry for the lack in update of blog posts, been really busy lately.
well firstly, i wanna update y'all on some cool stuffs (: and be warned, this is gonna be a long post.

MOCKS ARE OVER. WAHEY! :) some of my results were like WHEEEEEEEEEE but some were like NGUHHHHHHHHH EW YUCK PTUI (spitting sound :p ) ahahhahahaha. yeahhs. my english literature and language improved alot, and my add math results are.. urm. catastrophic. :) teehee. OMG. MY GEO MARKS. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW. i sucked for geo for mocks. D: i feel like punching myself. my results, well.. As and Bs :) mehehehheehehe. except for add math. it stands out with a very pretty letter :P

after mocks, there was a geography trip to cherating! :D omg twas fun. it was like we stood on the beach and counted waves (sounds boring, but its fun to do with friends :] ) , and we also like asked random people questions and OMG THE BEACH FIELDWORK WAS SOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOOSSOSOOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSO FUN :) its like.. we did a beach profile :) it was kinda boring at first, but then it gradually became more and more fun :) maybe its cos its like we do the fieldwork activities in a group of friends, so yeahh. funfun :):):):):):):):):) OH HOW I MISS CHERATING. OMG AND THE BARBEQUE ON THE LAST NIGHT. OMNOMNOMNOM. SO YUMMY. FRIKKIN HELL. NOW IM HUNGRY FOR BARBEQUE. NGUHHHH. omnomnomnomnomnomnomnom. hmmmm. oh and i bought a shirt from cherating as a souvenir :) :) teeeheeee :D

hmmm. oh and cny hols :) :) :) the first weekend, i.e. yesterday and day before yesterday (saturday and sunday) i spent my whole weekend hanging out with donovan. trulz. on saturday we watched a movie with martyn :) martyn dayum coooools. we watched shaolin AND IT WAS SO SAD AND VIOLENT AND ALL THE COOL CHARACTERS DIED. i was like WHUTTHECRAP. and the violent-ness was like MEHHH. i cried when the little girl like DIED. i was like NUUUUUUUUUUUU ):
and on sunday, donovan picked me up from ou and ming from her house, and we went to his place, and his house was like OMG SO NICE. akscnasklcnakslncklan. loved his place. :) ahahahhaha and we chilled there for awhile, and yeah. then we went to gardens to have nandos for lunch and watched a movie (great day), and then we like shared twin seating stuffs :p ahahahhahhahhaha. and yeahhh. funfun :) then after that, we like, met up with justin and joshua and joo oh and cheng yee and brian and bryan :p for lasertag :) ahhahahaha funfun :) and we went to eat at sushi zanmai for dinner :D ahahahahaha. and i sent ming back :p

yeahh. i lost momentum for typing like when i was talking about cherating. ahahhahhaha :p anyways, talk to you later :) im on skype with my friendfriend :p trulz.
byes :)

rest in peace, 姑姑
Friday, January 14, 2011 || 1:07 AM

hey friends

omg. today (or yesterday) was such a good day - mocks wise. maybe it was cos i only had to do geo paper 2 :D or maybe cos i finished in 35 mins :P or maybe its cos i did the paper already ;) ahahhahaha.

and i also had my first tuition with this new teacher called Ms. Ho :) she dayum cools :D omgomgomg she teaches add math and physics, and she taught me the basics of integration today. WOWS. i feel so the pros :)

but, i found out, that my 姑姑已经去世了 :( sorry if you dont understand mandarin, but yeah. you can probably tell from the title what happened. my 姑姑 was the closest aunty to me from my dad's side of the family, and i really really will miss her, even though i havent seen her in months until today. it was extremely shocking, to actually see her, like that, when my last memory of her was when she was talking about how tall i've become and how she got me a shirt and stuff from Hong Kong Disneyland.. i miss you 姑姑, and if you're somehow reading this, i wanna thank you for everything that you've done for me, and my family, and i love you so :( rest in peace, and may God take care of you, as how you took care of our family so so well..

wow, this is quite a sad post. urm. sorry about that :( im still in shock that this thing happened, and yeah. i dont know.. not going to CNY and seeing her.. that aint normal for me :( nguhh.

anyways, to brighten things up, at least im meeting with my bestest friend MICHELLEHONG later, after ict :) ahhahaha we going to gardens together to do the hanging outs :)

sorry about the majority of the post being sad.. its just that.. i needed to say that, and.. yeah. im sorry my fellow friends who read my blog. omg. i just realised. my close aunty just moved on, and my bestest friend ever is like leaving to another country soon :( gahh. so far, this new year sucks.

anyways, enjoy your day :)


being bored.
Thursday, January 13, 2011 || 12:28 AM

hey friends :)

ahmagawsh. im kinda bored right now o.o and its like 12.21am. and i should really be asleep, but i took one heck of a long afternoon nap, so i cant sleep D: mehh. anyways, i still have to do like 2 more papers for mocks, then im freeeee :D wahey! the joy. :):):)

okay, so i have.. geography paper 2 tmr.. or.. later o.o in a few hours. and on friday i have.. ict practical paper 3? oui? non? hmm.

i kinda feel HUNGER-EH right now ): this email thread on my facebook account, yeah, and everyone was like talking about korean food. oh omnomnom. dolsot bi bim bap and all that. GAHH. HUNGRY. dlcjnasldcanklccdslkajn.

okay, i should really be studying instead of like.. chillaxing, but i really dont know how to study for the geog paper. trololol. OH. I KNOW. i shall just.. hehehe ;) look at the past papers and the "M.S." if you know what i mean ;)

gahh. i have my first add math tuition tmr. well, not my first time having an add math tuition but like first time having that lady tutoring me add math. o.o i think i sound confusing. TRULZ. yeah. so, i have add math tuition tmr with this lady whom i've never met or spoken to before, and to tell you the truth, im not really looking forward to it because i wanna just like.. CHILLS. o.o but, as they say, urm. suffer now and prosper later? ahahahha :P

oh wells, gonna try and spam geog without getting distracted..
oh and im skyping with ming, shawn and kenny. ahahhahaha. nothing's happening. no one's talking.
OH. looky here. i just posted something :) "wow guys, this is such a lively conversation"
TRULZ. ahahahahhaha.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011 || 10:04 PM

fellow readers :)
tis' been a while since i last like blogged. wow maynn. ahhahaha. so let me summmmmmmmarise what i've been up to for the past couple of months:
- year 10 ended. whoopee.
- summer :D wahey! fun time :D
- went to singapore to see the FIRST EVER YOUTH OLYMPICS. mehehehhe >:)
- back to school. EEEYEEEER. year 11 >:(
- ewewewewewewewewewewew STUDY SPAM. mehh. <-- alliteration (Y)
- my bestie ever - michellehong, is leaving. MEHHH. ): ): ): hate goodbyes. but apparently she's coming back to - visit so often, and i hope we can meet up loads.
- christmas break :) went to JAPAN SUCKERS. MEHEHEHHEHEHE. such a beautiful place. i can do a whole freaking post about how beautiful japan is, but i needa get back to studying :(
- back from japan, spammed studying. omg you know, the hot springs in japan are like.. hot o.o literally. it burned me alive. but it was nice :) apparently it made my skin smoother (Y)
- ANYWAYS, yeah. spammed studying for mocks, which were like in a week. oh and ming introduced  me to this really addictive game. mehh -.- messed up my studying time. ahahahhaha. OMG YOU KNOW, japan was the first place where i like actually sat an extreme roller coaster :D i went to tokyo disneyland and osaka universal studios :) ahahhahaha (Y) universal studios was the one with the extreme freaky ride :) omg it went up so high, it was like almost completely straight, and came crashing almost all the way down. SO FUN. and it went so fasttttt. sicndlkasdcnascnkjslcnlksjn i wanna sit on it again :D

yeah. so summed up, and now, im at my second week of mocks. gahh. mocks are so stressful. like seriously. how did the past bunch of year 11's survive. sidcnkljcnklsdnaspdocinasljkdc. especially those procrastinators like ME. okay, so the subjects i prolly screwed up are:
add math, geography(knowledge and understanding - paper 1), coord science practical and theory
whilst the subjects i think i did okay in are:
ict paper 2, english literature, english language, drama, geography paper 4, malay speaking and writing
and i still have:
ict practical paper 3, ict theory (ZOMG ITS TMR. NGUHH), malay paper 2, and geography paper 2
stress. okay. about 4 more papers. sdcjnlksacnlskacnlksdjc,na. OH WAIT. i forgot about science multiple choice. ahahhaha. but i think i'll do okay in that one :)

GAHH. today, my best frann, found out that her "boy" had a girlfriend. quoted exactly from her. ): im sorry naz, i'll help you find some of them fish, mkay? (;

alrights, time to get back to studying for ict theory ):
wish me luck friends :) byes