Hello there (:
My name is Ronnie! Will be turning 17 on the 8th of May. I currently live in Malaysia and I attend GIS. I love all my friends and my family. And as you can tell, I'm kind of obsessed with Gi Kwang, B2ST and f(x) ^^

ANYWAYS. Get to know me better! :]

P.S. archives can be accessed by clicking on the "hot summer, a hot hot summer" ^^

oh you're so special ;)

friends ;]

Ming Mun Lim

Michelle Hong

Nazlin Amirudin

Michelle Wong

Teresa Lai

My Tumblr (:

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“hot summer, a hot hot summer.”
September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011

happy birthday michelley :) x
Thursday, October 28, 2010 || 9:31 PM

hai all :D
im making this post a short one,
because i have to study,
for a stupid test -.-
on "when rain clouds gather"
ehehehe x)

this post is dedicated to my dear sister
who made me have this blog x)
happy birthday my dear sister :D michelleyy :D
i hope you will have a swell birthdayy :)
yo brother laffs you :D

thats all for today folks :D

battle dance ♥
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 || 9:50 PM

hey friends :)
its been about a month since i blogged x)
its been like SUPER CRAZY in the past month. like. im not even kidding :P crazy stuffs mann.
so yahh. im doing homework whilst blogging, which isnt good x) ahhahahah. michelleyyy reminded me that i actually had a blog x) wowers, im so organised right?

so yeah. prefect stuffs going on and on. crazy stuffs. raffles selling, dedications selling, mufti day assemblies, making the dedication cards etc etc. so much stuffs to do for mufti day! omg. i got sponsor stuffs :D my badminton coach is too cool. sponsored a big load of badminton goodies x)

aaah. study. yarcks. japanese classes not going well. i think i might do badly for my course finishing examination thingy :( not good. my physics and chem tests were okay :D teehee. i got like a B for physics. and an A for chem :D teeheee. :) wahey!

hmmm. thats like the past month. summed up. like really briefly. oh and im talking to my bestie about how sad my life is ): as in like. OOPS. its too private to say it on a blog :) but it has something to do with...

oh look at the time! i got to get back to work! i shall try my best to keep my blog updated :)

see ya (: x