Hello there (:
My name is Ronnie! Will be turning 17 on the 8th of May. I currently live in Malaysia and I attend GIS. I love all my friends and my family. And as you can tell, I'm kind of obsessed with Gi Kwang, B2ST and f(x) ^^

ANYWAYS. Get to know me better! :]

P.S. archives can be accessed by clicking on the "hot summer, a hot hot summer" ^^

oh you're so special ;)

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Ming Mun Lim

Michelle Hong

Nazlin Amirudin

Michelle Wong

Teresa Lai

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“hot summer, a hot hot summer.”
September 2010 October 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011

bittersweet symphony
Friday, September 24, 2010 || 10:49 PM

hey friends.

wow its been forever since like. i've blogged. yeahh. lemme like. do a quick summary x)
so yeah. after terry's bday party, it was like. the first FULL WEEK OF SCHOOL. like aslcjnasldkcnaslkcs. loool. ehehehehe. ZOMGGG. i have my maths IGCSE mock tests next week :O im not very good at math so im very worried :/ blehh. ZOMGGG. i actually got an A for my geography test on tourism :D ehehehheehe. i thought i messed up for like. paper 4 but likee. ZOMGGG. better than i thought i would get ;D

lool. hmmm. okay. i have this literature coursework piece to do on like comparing Stones and Tulips by Sylvia Plath. it isnt like. horrible. but like. i just dont wanna do any coursework! i just wanna like. annotate poems for english :D eheheehhe. i luuurv annotating poems (Y)

hmmm. maths. WAIT A MINUTE. i mean add maths. GAHHH. lets just talk about maths in general :( so like. yeah. i dont know how i managed to get into the add maths class. blehh. im like. dying. its like. differentiation. differentiation is like. part of calculus. but its like. i sorta get it :D as in the basic concepts. then a new part of differentiation comes along. and then i dont understand it, and then i do. so basically, i understand these parts of differentiation (kinda) so far:
1) simple polynomials
2) chain rule
3) product rule
4) quotient rule
5) second derivative tests
6) applications of differentiation - equations of tangent and normals
AND NOW. there's this NEW THING. which just like. made my whole understanding of differentiation like. go out of wack. its called SMALL INCREMENT/APPROXIMATION. i like. died. its like when i was learning it. i was like.................................. yeahh x) ehehehehhe. i so bet imma fail my add maths exams :( blehhhh. okay. lets like. put it this way. imagine if understanding differentiation was like. going in a like. jungle trekking thingy. and like. not getting lost is important. so basically, at the beginning, i was keeping up with the group. and like. now. i like. tripped and fell. and now im surrounded by man-eating plants and like. yeahh. i wish maths can solve its own problems >:(

OKAY. hmmm. what else? urm. oh yeah. ict. zomgg. i wish i can say stuffs here :) ehehehhe. but its private x) loool. soo yeah. expert systems and stuffs. gahh. confusing.

mufti day sponsors :) ehehehehe. not really working out. BUT I DID SUCCEED IN GETTING ONE :D ehehehhe. yeahh x) my badminton coach :D donating badminton stuffs (Y) but he hasnt even given me the prizes yet :( i have to like. rush him x) eheheheh. and yeahh. now us prefects are starting to sell raffles. like seriously, i dont know how like people can like BUY SO MANY from specific prefects but not like. prefects like me. x) gahh. i think imma have to buy my own raffles. >:(

zomggg. its like. i was meant to pay for the drama complicite thing at my school. BUT I FORGOT. SHITTTTTTTTT. oh crapppppppersss. imma likeeee. sljcnslkacnjkascndjlkasc. dayum. eheehehhehee. i bet you dont understand what i just said x)

GAHHH. FUUUU. differentiation homework. paper 4 homeworks. paper 2 revisions. english coursework. geography. chemistry. biology. physics. drama. ZOMGGG. so much homework. imma start working from like. TOMORROW MORNING :)
ehehehe. cos imma good student :D

i shall play auditionsea now, even though i should be doing work/revising. from a good student to a rebel. (Y)
i so bet. i didnt make much sense in this blog entry. BUT OH WELL :)

bye friends :)
p.s. skyping with mingy (Y) ehehheheheehe
p.s.s. zomgg. michelleyy and tess. stop CHING CHONG CHANG-ing x) LOOL.

Sunday, September 19, 2010 || 12:32 AM

hey friends :)

i do not feel happy today :(

sighh. but i did go to terry's birthday party today :D or... yesterday. lol. i bought him The Alchemyst by Michael Scott. ITS A SUPERB BOOK :) we had so much fun bowling and stuff :D i really enjoyed myself there. like saljkcdnaslkdc. ahahaha. im not really in a mood to blog so i'll keep this short x)

ermm. friday. yesterday. yeah. i so bet i screwed up so badly in like. my add math tests. like seriously. blehh. :( and now i have tons of homework to do and i havent started on any yet. im so screwed.
yeahh. simple summary of the two days friends :)

oh. and im skyping with ming. how cool is that. and im such a rebel. again. staying up x) lolx.

soo yeah.
bye friends :)

"take the stage"
Thursday, September 16, 2010 || 7:33 PM

hey friends.
wow. i have loads to talk about x)
okay lets see.
went over to mitty's house for geog revision. i saw her daddy for the first time :O he was cool stuff (Y) ehehehe. we studied and studied. and then we got sidetracked by talking about life. x) then we switched on our laptops and stuff :P went on facebook and never went back to revision x) ahahaha. matt (mitty's brother) was playing auditionsea (Y) he so cute lah. i wanna pinch his cheeks till they're bruised up x) lolz. then we was talking to the donovan. :P he didnt believe i was over. so we webcammed :O he's so lame.
and when i went back home, i saw that i was tagged in a post by tess to michelleyy's profile. ahaha. i so ah beng apparently :)

bleh. geog test. i like died. paper 1 was easy... but the paper 4 part (alternative to coursework thingymagicky) was like slajndcalksncdlkascndls. i havent practised that. BLEHH. i just improved my map skills and then i see that. -_- my geog teacher ( WHO'S LIKE MY FAV TEACHER EVER. she like pwns lah) will be dissapointed ):
oh and i had this cool prefect meeting :) DID YOU KNOW. that my geog teacher is also the head of prefects? like as in the teacher in charge of us prefects. SO COOL. :) she was quite funny in the meeting :D i love my geog teacher :) anyways, we had the meeting.. in order to.................................................
omg that was a fail suspense builder thingy. -_-
but yeahh. we have a rough idea on what to do and stuffs :D and we SOMEWHAT decided on the theme (i cant say it yet lah for people who wanna know the theme :P sorry friends) and yeahh. x) one of the teachers "upstairs" i.e. this really important person will decide whether the theme is suitable or not :O suspense people. :)

Thursday (TODAY):
mehehehe. i love their nicknames x) lolz. so yus. i went to bsc to like celebrate nazzie's bday party x) but it wasnt that well planned out but we all enjoyed ourselves anyways :D and this was also meant to be brian's surprise party. but it failed. lolz. donovan told me he wasnt coming, and he told me to tell meikei (organiser), but he turned up ANYWAYS. EXPLANATION NEEDED DONOVAN. on msn/skype/face-to-face. gahh. that wierdo. anyways. it was all fun stuff :)
ehehehhe. now after blogging, i have to do
1) add math homework
2) math homework
3) add math revision (big test tomorrow)
4) ict homework
wow. i better get started. ehehehe. im such a rebel lah. blogging even though i got loads of stuffs to do. anyways. i just realised blogging takes alot of time.
OMGOMGOMG. i havent practised my guitar in ages and i have guitar tomorrow! GASP. okay now im freaking out. blehhh. i needa go like NAO.
smell ya later friends :)

tess ∆
Monday, September 13, 2010 || 7:38 PM

EHEHEHE. hey friends.

sooo. i havent exactly updated my blog in like. AGES. but there aint much to say really, but i do want to say something special to someone special :D TESS. TERESA. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :) lets sing a song (Y)
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to teresaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~
happy birthday to you :)
ehehhe. imma cool friend :) OHOHOH. and tess's brother jerry. yeahh. the conversation went something like this:

jerry: what day is it today?
me: monday...
jerry: what's today's date?
me: the 13th?
jerry: yes... and do you know what special day it is today?
me: tess's birthday?
jerry (to donovan): SEE EVEN AARON KNOWS.

soo yeah. monday. 13th. september. tess's bday :D cool stuff lahh. (Y)
sooo uhm. yeahh. :) anyways, several reasons why i didnt blog for agess.

1. homework
2. homework
3. homework
4. went outstation :)
5. homework
6. homework
7. homework

:) lolz. soo yeahh. i went outstation to visit my AUNTYY (Y) she is dayum cool :) no sarcasm intended. i absolutely LOVELOVELOVE her cooking. like alkncalksdcnlkascn i think her cooking rocks :D hmmm. pokemon. did you know i STILL LOVEEE POKEMON? tess knows :) michelleyy knows. yeahh :) alskjcdnalkndc. i cant wait to watch the Grand Festival episodes for the Sinnoh Saga :D ehehhe. non-pokemon fans prolly wont know what im talking about so i'll stop talking about pokemon after i say one more thing about pokemon :) ZOMGGGG. POKEMON BLACK AND WHITE IS GOING TO BE RELEASED IN JAPAN LIKE lskdjncalkscdnlkn NEXT WEEK. gahh. i cant wait for it to be released in the US :) which means over here in ******** it will also be ermmm. RELEASED :D ehehehe :)

okay. pokemon part done. saljkcdnaklsdcn. maths igcses. coming. closer. about 6 weeks :( slkdjncalksdnclkas. imma freaking out like a slkajndclkasnclkasd wierdo. :( ANYWAYSS. first day of school after hari raya/eid holidays. bleh. cant wait for tomorrow. BECAUSE. i. have. PE (Y) but its touch rugby ): blehh. OHOHOH. did i tell you what happened last tuesday? -.- some people do not know the meaning of  "I DO NOT HAVE THE FRIKKIN BALL" lskajnclkasdnc. like seriouslyy. i passed the ball already, and this guy from my PE class, lets call him... blurry. x) soo yeah. blurry came charging at me even when i passed the ball, and i was like.. NONO I DONT HAVE THE BALL. but obviously blurry is either - 1) blur   OR  2) cant BREAK. sooo. BAM. :( ouchy. and there's another story about ouch-ness. but thats not as dramatic as this one x)

before i end this blog post, i shall once again say -
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TERESA :) ehehehehe. xx
wowzahs. this is a long post. well. happy reading :)
well then.
goodbye friends :)

spotlight ♥
Thursday, September 9, 2010 || 8:47 PM

hey friends.
i just realised that blogging can be quite a waste of time x) but yet its time consuming and its a good place to RANT. rantrantrant. :) rant. rant. rant. i should stop now :P
soo yeah. nothing much happened today. but i did watch King of Fighters :) cool fighting scenes :D Maggie Q was like THE BOMB. like ZOMG SHE CAN KICK ASS. KAPOW. KA-ZING. BOOM. BANG. SPLAT. :) ohohoh. and im trying to make my font size on this blog bigger so that people reading this wont have to strain their eyes very much :D im such a caring person eh.
aaaah. finished my bio, chem, physics and half of my english homework. the other half is reading of "When Rain Clouds Gather". oh the joy):  once i actually fell asleep whilst reading it once. i find that hilarious. :) aaaaaaaaaaaah. now i have to tackle my maths paper 4s and my geography homework and REVISION. then im done :) eheeheh. i cant wait for monday :) before add math tuition, mitty, beeer and i are going to kitchen creatures to omnomnomnom :) yumm. caesar salad (Y)
ohohoh. and geog revision session on tourism sometime next week with cheng and mitty :) hopefully. :D
well. thats this update done and dusted :)
see you later friends

pikachu, i chooooooose you :D
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 || 9:46 PM

whattup creatures of the universe :)
ehehehhe. loads of stuffs happened todayy :D
so its like. i went to mitty's house at 12 :) because me, mitty, matt and beeer planned to go to tropicana to like chill out. :D
ehehehe. so its like. i went there-eth. and we like chilled before we went to tropicana. EHEHEHHEHE. how i met your mother is like ZOMG HILARIOUS. x) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah funny ~
so yeah. we went to tropicana, and first we played the game of badminton :D ehehehhe mitty :) soo fun lahh. but then beeer and matt ganged up on me 2vs1 on the badminton court thingy. mitty was refereeing ): laksjncdlancda. they made me run ): BLEH. but i won anyways B) mehehehehehe (Y)
then after that, instead of bowling, we went to the GYM :D it felt like the PE lessons we had in year 10 when we like went to the gym and stuff x) MITTY WAS OUR PERSONAL INSTRUCTOR. so cool :) instructing us around x) and then after that it was likeee. yeahh :) fun stuff. treadmill, cycling thingy, sit-ups, the leg pushy thingy , the weight stuffs and like. yeah x) ehehehhee. i fail at these gym equipment names :P ZOMG. its like. mitty, matt and i were like... measuring our height and weights and stuff near the door entrance thingy and then this quite hot looking guy came in :O lksadjnclaskdncl. ehehehe. me and beeer were like... OH MITTY B) lolxx. OHOHOH. and we camwhored. in the gym. cos we're cool like that :) ahahaha. our jump shots were like sooo epic lahh :) whilst we were camwhoring, i surveyed the gym to see whether anyone else was there... and there was the hot guy and this older man x) ehehehe. so i saw the hot guy like lift up his shirt and BAM. i saw rock-hard abs with a hot body. i was like GAHH. omg FREAK. ahahha. and he was like our age ish. but maybe he might be like slightly older :) wow. eyecandy for mitty indeed. me and beeer kept on like nudging mitty :P EHEHEH ;)
ehehhehe. then we went to centrepoint to kitchen creatures. alskcdjnalskndcla. YUMMY. i ordered caesar salad and spaghetti bolognaise :) i felt greedy :/ but we just like shared our food stuffs :) except for matt xP sooo yeah. ehehehehe. then yeahh. came back home, showered, and rushed my last minute jap homework :O and japanese tuition today wasnt that bad actually :) but like. everyone was in a holiday mood and our teacher was like. LOLOLOL :) she's like. super cool :D
soo. update for the day finished. and now i have to do my CV for school ): and start on other works. I WANNA CHILL OUT LAHH. its the hols ):
see you later peeps
P.S. i was meant to go watch VAMPIRES SUCK tomorrow with my friend :D BUT HE DITCHED ME. HMPHHH. BLEH. ): so i guess imma go tomorrow and watch alone ): everyone else like left me ): but if anyone wants to join me after reading this, LET ME KNOW ASAP PLEASE x)

gotta catch 'em all :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 || 9:36 PM

wowee. first blog post.
i gotta admit. this is kinda cool.
ahahaha. so yeah. i shall introduce myself as RONNIE :)
heyy people x)

wow. imma year 11. stress. im kinda creating this blog because i dont feel like homeworking nor studying x) such a rebel. gahh. maybe i'll do some add math after this. 

basically. school started and i was reunited with all my friends (oh joy) and stuffs. gahh. blogging is very wierdd. :)

and then there is the prefect stuffs. lasknclkasncdla. imma going to go crazy after the hari raya holidays because apparently after hari raya, there's this BIGBIGBIGBIG mufti day meeting (mufti day is like this funfair carnival day thingy which prefects like. plan out and stuff and we raise money for unfortunate people. we are too cool.) and yeah. from that mufti meeting onwards, (i.e. next wednesday) i shall be very busy :)

i've been ranting alot about life, and i need to say thanks to my friends meikei and bryan for listening to my rants just now x) 

soo yeah. i shallst be on my way now. trying to get this blog thingy working for me. and i'll update my blog tomorrow. HOPEFULLY :)

see you later peeps.
P.S. NO SCHOOL FOR 3 DAYS :) not including the weekends. in your faces :)
P.S.S.  i was talking to me old friends michelley and teresa for some catching up time stuff. fun stuff lahh. (Y)